Today we made some amazing memories. The kind of memories that my kids will look back on and think that life was really better in the good old days. We spent the day playing in the waves at Ipperwash beach.
It was a combination of the sun, a light breeze, warm water and great company that made the experience so perfect. My sister's family joined us for this trip. We planned it a long time ago as her birthday treat since she didn't know about my surprise trip.
Here we are enjoying the shade under the beach umbrellas.
We didn't stay there for long, the water was too tempting.
My sister had this brilliant idea of buying these inflatable tubes and the kids loved them so much that they didn't want to get out of the water.My brother in law coaxed them out of the lake to help him build a little wading pool.
All the building resulted in hungry little tummies, so we fed them junk food, which in this case was a delicious double cheddar pizza and Doritos.
After the meal we were back in the water and the wading pool.
My sister and I got in on the wading pool action. We gave each other exfoilating foot scrubs with the sand.
It wasn't all kiddie time for us, we did get to sneak in some time with our husbands.
Near the end of the day, my son couldn't keep up with the rest of us. He got very grumpy and eventually feel asleep on the beach. I guess he had too much fun!
Despite being exhausted, neither he or my daughter wanted the day to end. They were very upset as we drove away from our lovely day at the beach. Their sadness was compounded by the fact that my sister's family left to go back to their own home in another city.
I couldn't have asked for a better day, a better husband, a better sister or better children (mine and hers). It was truly amazing and I send my heartfelt thanks to god for letting me have this one perfect day.