The following day we celebrated my cousin's birthday with ice cream cake. I had a nice sized slice of cake. It would have been rude not to eat some.

The following morning my son had a birthday party to attend

He didn't eat his slice of cake and I am very much against wasting food so what do you know - I had to eat cake again.

Well I had to try a small piece, to make sure I didn't put too much sugar or vanilla because I make them from scratch. They were actually very tasty, so phew. Wouldn't want the in laws to think I suck at baking!
The next afternoon we were invited over to my husband's uncle's house to celebrate TWO birthdays. Two of his cousin's were celebrating this weekend. My sister in law was there and she made some amazing food - casserole and chicken roast. It would have been bad manners if I didn't try some after all the effort she put into making the meal.

After the meal there was the traditional family cake cutting ceremony.

In my husband's family each person has to hand feed the birthday celebrant a piece of cake.

There was so many of us that there was hardly any cake left after all that feeding. My kids got their share of cake, but when I was offer a piece of delicious chocolate mousse cake, I smiled, I tried to say yes but I had to say no. I wish I could tell you it was sheer willpower.......I just can't look at another piece of cake right now.