We go to Wonderland once a year when my brother in law who works for Scotia Bank gets tickets to go on friends and family day to the park. The advantages of going on this day is that the park is not open to the general public and therefore is much less crowded. One demographic that is happily missing on this day is gaggle of teens. The main disadvantage of going on this day is that it falls in April and you know what they say, April showers bring may flowers. So suffice to say that the weather in Canada is not always pleasant in April. In fact the last two years that we've been, its been drizzling ice rain. Brrrrr. This year was slightly different. The ice rain did not start until 5:30 PM. We were able to play for most of the day. Yay!

My favorite part of the day was not any particular ride but instead watching my brother-in-law try to climb up the Jacob's ladder. He spent several minutes googling how to climb the ladder before his turn and got halfway up the ladder very quickly. He paused halfway up and in that one second, fell with a loud thump onto the cushioning underneath = )