The funny thing is he used to take a course a few years ago when children were smaller and needed more care, but I never felt this way back then when he left me alone with the kids. So what did I do? I took a big breath and dove in. I -
1. Fed the children
2. Put away the dinner mess

3. Cooked fried rice for the kids school lunch tomorrow

4. Built a trio helicopter with the kids

7. Played hide and seek with them
8. Changed them into their PJs

11. Said prayers and put them to sleep
12. Finished my work assignment
All the single parents out there, stay at home moms for whom it never stops and those women whose husbands just never help - I have a new found respect for you! I am exhausted. Also I very much appreciate my husband. Not only is he a good father and husband, but he is also a major cutie! I scored!