Eid day came and went without much fanfare this year. I was unable to get the morning off from work. My husband dressed the kids up and they said Eid prayers together.
Then he sent me this picture.
See how he tried to make me feel included by taking the photo with me picture in the corner. He's so sweet, but I still felt sad. My sister felt bad for me too so she planned a visit to celebrate Eid with us this weekend. It wasn't exactly a traditional celebration! Here was our Eid meal - Tehari, shrimp curry, BBQ chicken and liver curry.
For dessert we had grilled pineapples.
This year instead of toys or money we got the kids a giant wading pool.
They loved it!
We loved it too!
The water looked so tempting on a hot day that we could resist getting in on the wading pool action. We spent the whole day in the yard, chilling in the hammock watching the kids laugh and play. My nephew hatched a plan which he sketched out for the other kids. He erased it when he noticed me watching him.
I asked my son what it was about but I got silence and this face:
I still don't know what mischief they got up to!
The kids were so tired they fell asleep before I could read them a bedtime story. Now my husband and I are lying in the hammock, waiting for the stars to come out. I hope to see some shooting stars - my wish hasn't come true yet!