Since we've decided we didn't want any more children (unless they are unplanned of course) I've been trying to get rid of my baby stuff with a vengeance. I decided to participate in a neighbourhood garage sale with this purpose in mind. It was slow going. I had lot of time to sit around an appreciate the beauty of the dewy Saturday morning. The first thing I noticed were the dandelions of course. Their days are numbered - my husband has hired a lawn care company to come and get rid of them.I decided to document them in their glory before they met their fate:

I also spent some time admiring our Japanese Maple. This is the only tree we have planted so far and I love how vivid the leaves are. Note the yellow dandelions peppering the grass in the background - there are more weeds than grass in our yard this year!
The only other thing in our front yard is a sad little planter shaped like a bench. It used to hold my orchid plants when we lived in an apartment. Last year our children used to sit on it as it was the right size for their little bottoms. This year it sits sadly warped near our front porch. The winter had ravaged the wood and the seat is now misshapen. Even so I thought it looked so sweet this morning with the little blooms of dandelions peeping out from underneath.
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