The first party was my son's first friend's birthday. I can't believe they are both six! We met when they were both three months. This is what their first playdate looked like:

This is what they looked like now - dancing to that insidious song, "What does the fox say" (Picture is intentionally blurry to show dance movement)
My our children have grown up so fast. The party featured the mad science lady who demonstrated a controlled explosion. Exciting! My friend made a treasure cake so there was chocolate gold coins inside the cake. So cool!
To burn off all the sugar, the kids went out to the backyard to take aim at the pinata. My son nearly conked our hostess on the head. Crazy!
The kids enjoyed the party immensely.
Next was the children's Christmas party, hosted by my workplace. I had never taken the children before. It was packed! The most notable moments were meeting Santa.
Hugging in the fake snow.
Playing in the bouncy castle and the bouncy smurf hut.
Getting their faces painted and also it was the first time my daughter had a snowcone.
She loved it!
Next was an evening at my friend's house. The women at this party had all met before. We do regular playdates for our children. We talk about each other often with our husband's so my friend thought it was prudent that our husbands meet the group as well. Here are our lovely hosts.
The kids had their meal first, which consisted of hotdogs and fries.
The grown ups had a very gourmet meal.
We played taboo, men vs women. Can you guess who won?
Meanwhilst the kids were meant to be watching a movie. This is how we left them.
Some of them chose to leave the confines of their cozy blankets and pillows and attacked our host instead.
Don't worry, he was survived =).I also managed to get some cute baby cuddle time in with the world's best baby. So happy and content all the time. He ALMOST made me want another one. (But no, that would be madness.)
The next morning we had playdate with some new neighbors that recently moved a few streets away. The boy is my son's friend from before and after program and the girl is about six months younger than my daughter. We were supposed to go grocery shopping, but I had to take a nap and we never made it out. We ended the day with both happiness and tears. My son read all 63 pages of cat in the hat all by himself! It took him 40 minutes, but he did it! I praised him and my daughter overheard. She's a competitive little thing, so she brought over the fairy encyclopedia to read to me. I was not allowed to read the words to her. I was not allowed to help her track the words on the page. I was not allowed to even turn the pages. SHE wanted to read it to me. Her efforts ended in tears and it took me 45 minutes to calm her down and get her to read a book more suitable to her level and then finally to bed. It was a fun filled weekend but now I am knackered!
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