I'd like to say we go for the kids but to be honest, we've been going since before the children were born. Yes we got lots of stares from judgy people on those trips and I'm so glad we have children to validate our presence at the lodge now.

The kids were both very independent this year, and by independent, I mean my daughter did not hold on to us for dear life. Last year she was only two when we visited and too little and scared to do anything on her own. This year she is a confident little girl.

They were comfortable enough to move around the shallow water and go on the kiddie slides on their own.

At the end of the first night we hit the arcade. We spent $40 and we walked out with eight toys that you can get at the dollar store. On the surface it seems like a very poor return on investment but it once you factor in how much fun we had as a family, the experience was really priceless.

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