I promised myself I wouldn't get sentimental. After all, everyone graduates from Kindergarten. No one fails right? But then they dimmed the lights in the stuffy gym and they started playing the graduation music, you know the one - pomp and circumstance. Then the little ones walked into the room with their little hand crafted cardboard graduation hats and the next thing I know my throat is all choked up and I'm holding back tears. Then they called out the kids names one by one and their teachers gave them a diploma. Here is my son getting his diploma from his teacher. The shot is a little blurry, because I was struggling to keep it together =)

My daughter also had an celebration at her daycare. It was her last daycare showcase as next September she will be starting Kindergarten. Why are they growing up so fast? To perpetuate her childhood, I took my daughter to the park down the street to play. It was deserted. She was queen of the park and she loved it!
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